GNFCW exists to reach Muslims with the love of Christ for the glory of God.

Because Muslims are unlikely to become our brothers until they first become

our friends, it is our mission to motivate and equip churches, groups and individuals to build and develop true friendships with Muslims. We firmly believe this is the strongest possible foundation for an effective witness to God's grace in Jesus Christ. This can be accomplished through prayer, training and local outreach.



Prayer is the foundational means to win Muslims to Christ. Just as evangelism is the way to lead Muslims to Christ, prayer is the way to bring God to the scene while engaging Muslims. Without prayer no success will be accomplished, and no fruit seen, in our attempt to win them to Christ. Join us every first Thursday of the month at our offices as we stand in the gap on behalf of the Muslims God is sending into our midst.


Training is vital for understanding Islam and Muslims and for an effective Christian witness to them. For this purpose, GNFCW has developed the Three-Fold Training Program. This all-inclusive training program is designed for: 1) learning how to witness to Muslims; 2) gaining an understanding of Muslims (includes taking field trips to an area mosque to help break stereotypes); and 3) acquiring the confidence to engage Muslims in conversation for the purpose of witnessing.


Local Outreach is our way of showing Muslims in general and refugees in particular the love of Christ. Our goal is to connect with churches, organizations and individulas who want to share Christ with Muslims to show care and support by acting charitably towrds refugees God has brought to us.