The Three-Fold Training Frequently Asked Questions


What is the benefit of the Three-Fold Training?


The Three-Fold Training aims at assisting the Christian in these following areas:


  • Understanding the essential Islamic beliefs and Muslim's worldview
  • Training on how to introduce a truthful presentation of the Gospel to Muslims
  •  Defining evangelistic outreach in terms of relationships, not transactions
  • Responding to the Muslim's objections against the doctrines of:
  1.  The trinity
  2. The divinity of Christ
  3. The crucifixion
  4. The authenticity of the Bible


What does the Three-Fold Training consists of?


  • Classroom Instruction (Explaining Islam and Christian witness)


  • Role Play (How to Witness)


  • Field Trip to Mosque (Breaking Sterotypes and establishing friendship)


  • Field Training (Witnessing on Site)


What do you mean by Role Play?


Role play means that the instructor takes the part of a Muslim and someone from the training seminar volunteers to witness to the instructor to convert him to Christianity. Role play is the best way for Christians to learn what will be waiting for them when witnessing to a Muslims. It will also give helpful experience in responding to and using Muslims' objections as opportunities for witnessing to them.


What do you mean by Field Trip to the Mosque? Could this be risky knowing that most Muslims are terrorists? 


Muslims are not terrorists. Less than one percent of Muslims are hostile. Thankfully, the majority of Muslims follow common sense rather than killing innocent people. They are born in the image of God and deserve the opportunity to hear the gospel message. The purpose of the mosque's visit is to encourage friendship through the breaking of the fear barriers and diffusing the labeling of Muslims as terrorists, both of which are markedly hindering an effective and courageous witness to Muslims. 


What do you mean by Witnessing on Site?


It is well-known that the Islamic field is one of the most studied but least evangelized. The great need now is to become practical and get involved in a broad-based outreach to the influx of Muslims that God has brought to us. Witnessing on site is a hands-on training where we engage Muslim international students on campuses and Muslim refugees and others at restaurants, gas stations and food stores.     


When does the Three-Fold Training program take place and where? 


It takes place at the GNFCW offices during the Spring and Fall trimesters. Since our passion is to assist you in sharing the Gospel with Muslims, you can respond by Sign up to join the Three-Fold Training Program


In case we sign up to attend the Three-Fold Training, how can we get to the GNFCW office?


Due to security reasons, we do not post our address online. We will e-mial it to you upon your completion of registrationin the Three-Fold Training program.



Can our church host a Three-Fold Training courseon its premises during or outside the scheduled dates of the training?


Yes, it certainly can. We are committed to serving the Church in every capacity the Lord has entrusted to us. You can request this course for your church, and schedule it for any time that we have instructors available, by visiting Hosting a Three-Fold Training


Our church cannot be involved in the Three-Fold Training since it will take an entire trimester. Can we host only a seminar on Muslim beliefs and effective witness?


You surely can. GNFCW was raised for such a task in the first place and we are committed to pursuing our calling to the end. You can sign your church up for this training by visiting Hosting a Seminar


Our church is interested in topics on Islam that are not related to Muslim beliefs and evangelism. Can our church or group request a speaker for such a task?


Of course, your church or group can request a speaker for such a task. We believe that the deeper we understand Islam, the more we can become effective in relating the love of Christ to Muslims. Your church or group can visit Request a Speaker to provide you with a presentation according to your own interest in Islam.