Your Gift Counts
By giving to GNFCW, your generosity for the sake of seeing Muslims won to Christ honors God and His Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.
Because our passion is to see Muslims come to a saving faith in Chrits, your gift
will enable us to:
. Give the Gospel to Muslims in the community
. Equip the Church to share the hope of Christ with Muslims
. Train Christian groups on University campuses how to reach their Muslim-fellow
. Develop evangelistic materials and tracts that are comprehensible to the Muslim's
heart and mind
. Assist refugees in their new environment and help them to see the new life they
can have in Christ
Malek is an ex-Iraqi soldier whose leg was amputated during the war in Iraq.
I met Malek during a visit with an Iraqi refugee who happened to be a mutual friend of ours. After becoming friends with Malek, I grasped every opportunity to share Christ with him. Despite his showing resistance at first, I am still amazed at how fast the shackles that imprisoned him were broke off under the conviction of God's word and His Spirit. Today Malek trusts Christ as his Lord and Savior. The task does not stop here. Malek is undergoing a discipleship training that will help him to overcome the obstacles that might otherwise force him to revert back to Islam.
Your gift will help us to provide an opportunity for many of the millions of Muslims in America to hear the Gospel and respond to its message of hope and salvation, just as Malek did. Thank you for your generosity.